Friday, October 28

The Rain

It's been raining unpredictably lately and I've just been stressing over whether my newly potted plants will survive this wet spell. Just wanted to share that the rainy may appear to be a friend but can, to lazy amateurs like me, be a greater foe!

My balcony has an open roof-top and whenever it rains, it feels like it poured. Being the complacent beginner that I was, I assumed that my plants would be drinking enough and I didn't have to water that much. I was also worried that the roots would rot more than they would dry. Never was I so wrong. Within a couple of days, two of my best greens dried out, despite the heavy downpour just that very day. Not all my plants died because as it turned out, some had better access to the water.

One big warning for me: Just because Nature's watering doesn't mean I can neglect. So fellow urban gardeners, if you have a balcony just like mine and are considering letting Nature do its job, do consider doing yours too and check those greens of yours before it's too late!
Summertime Blossoms. Can you guess from where?

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