Saturday, December 3

The last time I blogged...

I have to apologize for the lapse since my last entry. I've been away to Taipei and since then, been nursing a cough that just won't go away.

Notice how most of the branches are droopy or are nearly broken off 
I left my garden to my husband and came back to find that it's now nearly barren -- he made the same mistake as I did many years ago of assuming that nature will take care of the plants since it's been rainy and killed off half my plants. Those that did survived have been prey to my playful kitten.

This is how some of my plants look like now >>

I do have positive news though. My compost project is going well - it is completely devoid of smell and the recycled vegetables, paper and coffee/tea are browning very nicely. Do watch out for my photos, which will be posted soon!

I will be posting another entry soon about planting from scratch - I will be starting an "edible garden" out on my balcony and all the plants will be grown from seed.

Meanwhile, I am hoping to recover enough to clear up the mess on the balcony.....

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