Wednesday, May 23

Growing cherry tomatoes

Now that my tomato seedlings are getting bigger, I need to start thinking about the care and maintenance of these plants.

If you were to google-search for tips on planting cherry tomatoes in small spaces or containers, you will find generally positive posts. My short experience so far proves that we can start from seed and these plants really do love a lot of sunlight. So if you have a small space that gets a lot of sunlight, perhaps you can consider planting cherry tomatoes.

Here are some other tips on care of your cherry tomatoes after your seeds successfully sprout:

1. If you manage to get a lot of seedlings and are thinking of re-potting/spacing them out, do make sure to fluff your soil. They like fertile and loose soil.

2. Prepare some sort of support for these plants. Even if your plant is the bush type and can stand up by themselves, we probably want to provide extra support for the plants when they start bearing fruit. This is especially important for us since we live in high-rise buildings. We don't want the little fruits to start falling on the heads of passers-by!

3. These plants need to be watered once every two days. But do make sure you watch your pot; you might want to water them more frequently if the soil looks and feels very dry. Backyard gardening suggests giving the plants a little fertilizer with each watering. This is probably a good idea since tomatoes usually enjoy their fertilizers.

4. You might choose to prune them. Life on the Balcony's quick tip on planting tomatoes suggest that we remove suckers. And the comments following the tip suggest that although tomatoes will still grow on suckers, it is probably better for your plant as a whole if they are removed.

And these are all the tips! For now anyway. Hopefully you too will be motivated to start a pot of cherry tomatoes (if the tips above don't sound tooooo scary...). I will be getting myself some stakes for my seedlings today! I am expecting a really good harvest since our weather's going to get hotter~~ Happy gardening as usual!


References for this post came from:
1. Backyard gardening
2. Life on the Balcony
3. e-how Home
4. Real Simple

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