Thursday, May 24

The plants give me something to talk about

I've really had loads to talk about these past few days! Just a couple hours of work invested in my single day off and I've had tons of "rewards" since.

Over the past weekend, I had the honour to be the "cake-creator" for my friend's pet dog. One of her requests was for me to include butternut squash in the cake. I had saved the seeds from the Japanese pumpkin we ate the previous week and of course I was really happy to have more seeds. This past Monday, I just dumped the whole lot of seeds into my now designated germinating-pot, expecting very little to sprout and definitely a whole long while before any action takes place.

The shameful way I treat the pumpkin & squash seeds - dumped in a pot
Imagine my delight when today, I walked out to the balcony and found this:

Pumpkin seedlings!!
This has got to be record breaking. In less than two days, these seedlings sprouted. I guess the heat is worth enduring if all my plants are so happy!

On another note, the tomato seedlings are growing really well. Some are bigger than others but you can see that the stems are buffing up and they look really healthy. 

Rapidly growing tomato seedlings
The downside about having a little garden on the balcony is, even if the plants are happy now, when they start growing out, I will have no space for them So, do watch this space because I will be posting information on how to get some seedlings from me. You do get to choose the type of seedlings and I will basically be charging for soil & container. Alternatively, you can choose to follow me on my Facebook space, HDB Greens for more information on how to grab these seedlings.

Let's move a step closer towards self-sufficient living in the comfort of our HDB flats!

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