Sunday, May 20

Saving the Bamboo Plant

Recently, I mentioned that my bamboo plant was drying out and I suspected that it was due to the move plus the erratic weather here in Singapore. I shifted its position so it now sits in sheltered sunlight for the bulk of the day and gets direct morning sunlight. I also had to drastically trim off all the leaves that looked yellow or dried out. After two weeks, the new leaves are out and looking much better! Although the plant on the whole still looks pretty sad and bare...

Newly grown out leaves on the pretty much bare branches
A little tip on saving our bamboos. They do need a fair amount of water and if your bamboo plant is looking unhappy, consider shifting its location. If you are facing the same problem as I did (yellowing, dry leaves), you might also want to consider "saving" it by trimming off most of its unhealthy leaves along with the stems. Do make sure to check the condition of your bamboo stem before cutting it bare - if the stem is green, it is likely to be healthy and will grow back even if you trim off most of its leaves. However, if the stem is looking dry and has largely turned brown, you might want to hold off on trimming and consult your nearest nursery for advice; they might be able to figure out what's going on with your plant.

And that's all the sharing for today. Happy gardening on this cheery day!

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